Make Me Strong - Sami Yusuf

Monday, June 8, 2009

con·grat·u·la·tion (kən-grăch'ə-lā'shən, -grăj'-, kəng-)

i remembered one day my teacher had written down the word congratulation on the black board... then he asked us(me and my classmates) to imitate him pronouncing the word correctly... it was a bit funny as we all tried our best to pronounce the word as perfect as possible ... just imagine the situation where everyone with their thick kedah accent tried to pronounce the word...
and of course among those, i was the one who could pronounce congratulation correctly... i know, i know it's not a big deal... but that was one of the most unforgetable memories that i have (as i have forgotten many of my school life; what a pity huh)..

well the topic for this entry was not merely about how to pronounce the word congratulation..

so... today's entry is to dedicate my acknowledment to all of my exstudents who have just registered themselves to any universities or insttitutions and vice versa.... as well as those who
will be registering themselves to any universities or institutions either in local or overseas...

therefore... CONGRATULATIONS!!!......


Stag & Vixen said...

make it simple, congrat, conga, congs....hahahahaha........

p/s: malil yg kebosanan sedang merepek...haha....

tcer_mai said...

hehehe.... manaer ader bosan...