My days were hectic it is slowing down...even so, my heart is still not in peace...SPM is soo around the corner...i really am worried about my students...i am hoping and praying for their success.... i feel a bit guilty for them as i have not paid my full attention to them lately... i am going to work hard till the big day comes....i hope that my beloved students will keep moving forward and never turn back .....
i have just recovered from my fever and headache.( i got 2 days MCs). Tomorow i will be seeing my students...i couldn't wait to see them...
i really2 wish that my students know how i feel inside..guys you have to work hard and never wait for me...
Mai, go to my blog and read entry 'Pleading All Teachers to Respond'...ada issue hangat.
Thanks Mai =)
it's ok. we'll try our best in spm(though you are not teaching my class, still i'm your student :P)u
mmm still u r my students as u call me tcer...baguslah afif i hope you will try ur best...i am praying so hard for you all..
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